Standing Committees

Standing Committees assist the State Director and Executive Committee in managing and maintaining SCALI policies, business, and operations.  This is a great way to be involved in SCALI! If you are interested in serving please contact your Regional Director.
Ethics: The committee will issue formal opinions and respond to requests for ethics advice. Please see SCALI By-Laws/Executive Orders, Attachment 1 of Article XI.
Wayne Freeman – Chair
1.  Phil Grimsley 
2.  Bonnie Carter
3.  Lyle Hendrick
4. Lewis Mahaffey
Scholarship:  The committee will select the Bob Joseph Scholarship recipient based on established guidelines.
Mark Jones– Acting Chair
Kathy Wainscott - Co-Chair
1. Kathy Broom
2. Lyle Edwards
Awards:  The committee will gather nominations and present awards based on established guidelines.
Joh Tuck – Chair
1. Sonny Narang
2. Bush Banton
3. Jason Alexander
Legal and Legislative – Committee members should be members of NCISS.  The committee will monitor state and national legislative and regulatory activities affecting the investigative industry
Alden Wheeler - Chair (Federal)
Charles Drayton - Co-Chair (State)
1. Bruce Pitkin 
Membership: The committee will actively recruit and retain members.  Promote SCALI and be able to answer questions regarding membership 
Daria Gadd– Chair
1. Kathy Broom
Training and Education:  The committee will assist the local conference host with all functions of the training/education conferences.
Lee Alexander- Chair
1. Joe Horne
2. Daniel Mittan
Information Technology:  The committee will assist in maintaining the SCALI website, promote SCALI through Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), and coordinate for audio/visual equipment for all conferences.
 Open – Chair
1. Clay Boswell
SLED Advisory:  The committee will promote a working relationship with SLED and advise SLED of industry concerns.
Phil Grimsley - Chair
Hospitality:  The committee will coordinate and promote social networking within the membership.  This committee will be self-sufficient and operate through sponsorship/donations.
 Open – Chair
Golf:  The committee will host an annual golf tournament.  This committee will be self-sufficient and operate through sponsorship/donations.
Shawn Condrey - Chair
1. Dan Weil
Sergeant at Arms: Will attend all executive committee and membership meetings and maintain order during those meetings.
 Open – Sergeant At Arms