Guidelines for Applicants
This scholarship application is to be used by dependent children, as well as grandchildren, of members of the South Carolina Association of Legal Investigators, Inc. (SCALI) who wish to apply for the The Robert H. Joseph Scholarship, or any other scholarship award provided by SCALI.
Below is a detailed explanation of the program, outlining the criteria for qualification. Please follow all instructions to complete the application. Deadline for receipt of all applications and accompanying materials is April 15th each year. Materials received after this date will not be considered for a scholarship – NO EXCEPTIONS. We are now accepting electronic applications only!
To apply online for the Scholarships, CLICK HERE
Applicants must be either high school seniors, OR students in their first year, who will be, or, are attending an accredited, undergraduate college, university or technical college as full time students. Student must be enrolled full-time; part-time students are not eligible for awards.
Applicant must be active SCALI member or a dependent resident child, or any grandchild of an active SCALI member. An active SCALI member, parent or grandparent, is defined as a SCALI member who has at least 12 months of active membership in the preceding 12 months and has renewed for the next year of membership. Dependent children include natural children, adopted children, and resident stepchildren. Grandchildren are not required to be dependent on an Active SCALI member.
Scholarship recipients must plan to attend college in the fall of the year the awards are made. Recipients may attend any accredited public or private, two-year or four-year college, university or technical college.
Applicant is responsible for ensuring all items listed below are submitted to The Scholarship Committee before April 15th.
- Completed and signed application
- Official transcripts of grades for college, university and high school, including fall of the preceding year.
- Learning Institution Entrance Exam Results
- Letter of acceptance for entrance to the Learning Institution
- Required Essay
- Scholarships are not automatically renewed, but the student will be considered for subsequent awards if they provide evidence of continued interest and continued enrollment and good standing in a college program leading to a degree or an associate degree.
- Applications will be reviewed and winners selected by the Scholarship Committee, which will consider applicant’s grades, extracurricular activities, employment experience and evaluations. All applicants will be notified of their status after the Committee meeting. Scholarship funds will be disbursed from the SCALI Operating Account directly to the recipient. The amount of the scholarship award to be distributed is determined by the SCALI yearly operating budget.
Following the receipt of the completed application package, the Committee Chairperson will forward the copies (with the applicant’s name removed) to all committee members. Therefore it is important that the copies are of good quality. Each committee member will evaluate/score, and maintain the original application package. Committee members score sheets will be returned to the Committee Chairperson, who will then tabulate the scores to establish the scholarship winner. The Committee will select a winner each year according to academic merit and potential to succeed in the student’s chosen educational field. The Committee will make the decision by evaluating the information received from the applicant and the high school or college. Application for the scholarships is competitive. The Scholarship Committee’s scores are tabulated by the Committee Chairperson. The scholarship approval is based on average scores compared to other applicant’s average scores. The highest score wins the scholarship. Only one "The Robert H. Joseph" scholarship will be awarded per year; however, additional scholarships may be awarded at the discretion of the scholarship committee. Decisions by the The Scholarship Committee are final.
The scholarship award recipient will be announced at the SCALI Annual Conference.
Past Scholarship Winners:
G. CLAUDER | 2006 |
T. VAUGHNC. KNOX | 2007 |
R. CHEEK | 2009 |
R. CHEEK | 2010 |
A. MILLIGAN | 2011 |
K. HASKETT | 2012 |
F. LANGFORD | 2013 |
H. CHILDS | 2014 |
H. CHILDS | 2015 |
T. HAWKINS | 2016 |
T. HAWKINS | 2017 |
J. HENDERSON | 2018 |
J. GREENE | 2019 |
J. GREENE | 2020 |
W. HENDERSON | 2021 |
L. WALTER | 2022 |
TBD | 2023 |